Appeal Success in South Oxfordshire

Client: Wates Developments Ltd
LPA: Wallingford Town Council
The Inspector accepted Boyer’s evidence that the Council is not able to demonstrate five years supply of housing. The Inspector:
- Agreed that housing land supply should be dealt with at a district wide level (as opposed to a disaggregated approach being applied by the Council);
- Gave more weight to the Strategic Housing Market (SHMA) housing figures, albeit untested, than the adopted Core Strategy requirement. In any event, he concluded that a five year supply could not be demonstrated even against the lower Core Strategy target;
- Preferred the Appellant’s judgement on housing trajectory; and
- Concluded that the proposal would have an acceptable impact on a conservation area and nearby listed buildings.
Asher Ross Director at Boyer commented “Prior to this decision, there had been a number of inconsistent decisions from the Planning Inspectorate on the matter of five year supply in South Oxfordshire. We are hopeful that this key decision will provide clarity and greater certainty for developers moving forward. We are pleased to have helped Wates Developments secure permission for this high quality and sustainable development that includes significant public open space and 40% affordable housing to help meet local housing needs”.