Blue Mountain, Bracknell, Berkshire

Client: Luff Developments, Linden Homes / Vistry, Bloor Homes
LPA: Bracknell Forest Council
Boyer started promoting this former Golf Course in 2010 and successfully achieved an allocation for 400 homes and a School. Boyer prepared and co-ordinated a hybrid application for 400 homes, school, community building, sports pitches, SANG and Golf Entertainment Centre.
A Scoping Opinion request was submitted in April 2015. Bracknell Forest Council subsequently responded on the technical matters and this was used to inform the final Environmental Statement (ES). Boyer prepared and co-ordinated the full ES which was submitted alongside the hybrid application in January 2016.
Boyer subsequently worked on the Reserved Matters applications for housing and the Golf Entertainment Centre. As these fell within the ES parameters there were no requirements for further ES submissions. This site is well progressed and many of the homes are now occupied.