Chalgrove, South Oxfordshire

Image: © Chamberlain Ayre Gaunt 

Client: Wates Developments Ltd
LPA: South Oxfordshire District Council

The Inspector concluded that the development, which includes 48 affordable homes, would make an important contribution to addressing the housing shortfall in Chalgrove and South Oxfordshire over the next 5 years. Although it was recognised that the District and Parish Councils are bringing forward new plans, with allocations proposed for Chalgrove on other sites, the Inspector noted that the evidence demonstrated a significant outstanding need for both market and affordable housing in the district beyond this.

In allowing the appeal, the Inspector also agreed with Boyer that the proposal would not result in significant harm to the character and appearance of the site and its surroundings, and that the development had potential to enhance the landscape setting of Chalgrove.

The successful appeal follows the refusal of the outline planning application by the Council’s Planning Committee earlier this year, against an Officer recommendation of approval.

Key Contact

The senior team member overseeing all aspects of this project.

Mandy Owen

Associate Director

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