Hogwood Farm, Berkshire

Image: © Cooper Baillie Limited
Client: CALA Homes
LPA: Wokingham Borough Council
Boyer is currently providing planning consultancy services to CALA Homes at Hogwood Farm, Finchampstead.
The site forms part of a Strategic Development Location (SDL) in Wokingham, which will deliver 1,500 new homes, a primary school, a neighbourhood centre, 12,000 sq m of employment floorspace, a sports hub, a 29.7 hectare SANG and major infrastructure.
Boyer has been working on this project since October 2017 and have to date supported CALA Homes with the preparation and submission of a Section 73 application to amend the approved outline planning permission for the site. This included revising the parameter plans associated with the development and supporting the preparation of a new legal agreement.
Subsequently Boyer has submitted a number of Reserved Matters applications to deliver approximately 500 new homes across the site alongside the Reserved Matters application for the Nine Mile Ride Extension South, a key piece of highways infrastructure which will serve the development and the wider local network.
Boyer looks forward to continuing to work with CALA Homes to bring forwards this site and supporting them with their future Reserved Matters applications.