Land at Draycott, Cam

Client: Persimmon Homes (Severn Valley) Ltd and Robert Hitchins Ltd

LPA: Stroud District Council (SDC)

Screening: No formal screening opinion was requested, as the proposed development was considered to constitute EIA development due to its scale. It was accepted to be a Schedule 2, 10(b) urban development project exceeding 150 dwellings.

Scoping: A scoping opinion was requested in May 2020, on the basis of up to 1,100 dwellings and land for a primary school. SDC provided a scoping response in November 2020, confirming the breadth of technical topics to be assessed, comprising: Socio-Economic; Landscape and visual; Ecology; Transport; Air Quality; Noise and vibration; Hydrology, flood risk and drainage; Ground conditions and Climate change. The scoping opinion also confirmed several topics to be scoped out, including Agriculture; Waste; Utilities; Energy.

EIA co-ordinator: Alyson Jones

Project summary: The site at Land west of Draycott comprises approximately 39ha of agricultural land. It is located west of the existing settlement of Draycott, and its associated services and facilities such as schools, open space, shops, and public transport.

The proposed scheme is residential led, including potential land for a 2FE primary school, access, landscaping and informal and public open space. The ES assessment was based on development of up to 1,030 dwellings if a school is not required; or up to 950 dwellings if a school is required.

In July 2021, Boyer co-ordinated the production of all three Volumes of the Environmental Statement to assess the effects of the proposed development. The ES comprised of 10 technical chapters in accordance with the LPA’s scoping opinion. Boyer prepared the introductory chapters; the technical Socio-Economic and Climate Change chapters and the Non-Technical Summary.

The ES assessed the development as a whole, meanwhile the scheme is to be brought forward by two separate planning applications from Persimmon and Robert Hitchins respectively. The Outline and Hybrid planning applications were then submitted by Persimmon and Robert Hitchins in August 2021 and are currently being determined by SDC.

Key Contact

The senior team member overseeing all aspects of this project.

Alyson Jones


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