Land East of Bury Road, Stanton

Client: Bloor Homes Eastern
LPA: West Suffolk
On behalf of Bloor Homes Eastern, Boyer (Planning Team and Design Team) were engaged to prepare an outline planning application for up to 250 dwellings, open space, and associated infrastructure in the form of allotments and other community provision on a site in Stanton. The site adjacent to the recreation ground and with direct access onto the A143 was subject to an EIA Screening Opinion Request prior to the submission of the outline planning application.
Boyer supported Bloor Homes Eastern with public engagement in the form of public exhibition and meeting with the Parish Council ahead of the application being submitted to ensure that local views and opinions informed the proposals.
During the considerations of the planning application, continual engagement with the local planning authority and statutory consultees has resulted in the proposals being subject to amendments. Boyer have been able to revise the proposals to address evolving consultee comments and address revisions to the NPPF to provide tree lined streets and consideration of biodiversity net gain whilst maintain positive relationships with the Council and local community.
Boyer have also supported Bloor Homes Eastern with promotion of the site to the emerging West Suffolk Local Plan which is taking place in parallel to activities on the planning application.