Plots 8a & 8b, Lindhurst, Mansfield

Client: Avant Homes

LPA: Mansfield District Council

On behalf of Avant Homes, Boyer Midlands secured Reserved Matters approval for the delivery of 63 dwellings on Plots 8a & 8b of the Lindhurst Sustainable Urban Extension to the south of Mansfield. Boyer worked proactively with the District and County Councils to ensure that the proposal was dealt with in a timely manner, overcoming initial concerns that had been raised by the Highways Authority.

Boyer Midlands have been integral to the wider delivery of Lindhurst, acting as planning consultant for the master developer (The Lindhurst Group), as well as for the individual development plots such as 8a & 8b. Once built out, Lindhurst will contain approximately 1,700 dwellings, a variety of employment uses, commercial uses, health / community facilities, a new primary school and a local centre.