Pocket Living in Walthamstow

Client: Pocket Living
LPA: London Borough of Waltham Forest
The application was submitted on behalf of our client Pocket Living and will provide 45 new homes for first time buyers in this part of London, in a new part two, three and four storey building. The scheme will regenerate a brownfield site containing a vacant building and was highly commended by the planning committee.
Boyer co-ordinated and steered the application through the planning process, convincing officers that the benefits of the scheme were sufficient to outweigh the need to retain the former employment use of the site, and that NPPF paragraph 22 should apply. As part of this case Boyer’s Development Economics team analysed the local office market and undertook viability testing, to demonstrate that retention of the site for employment purposes was unviable.
This is Boyer’s eighth permission on behalf of Pocket Living and we look forward to seeing the scheme built out shortly.