Riverlight, Vauxhall

Client: St James Group
In March 2011, planning permission was obtained to redevelop the site for 752 residential units along with a mix of commercial units, including a 136-bedroom hotel, retail uses, café, bars and restaurants, a crèche and gallery. Over summer 2011 Boyer co-ordinated and managed the planning application and Environmental Statement for a revised scheme on the site, including 806 residential units together with commercial uses. Given further market research the revised application sought to change the use of the hotel for residential accommodation.
Boyer's role has involved project managing the planning application, including co-ordinating the team of consultants and preparing the Planning Statement and Statement of Community Involvement for submission. In addition, Boyer drafted the introductory chapters of the Environmental Statement, including the site description, the description of development, ES methodology and assisted the architects in drafting the chapter relating to alternatives and design evolution. We were the primary authors of the socio-economic, residual impact and cumulative chapters. Our role extended to reviewing all of the ES chapters, providing comments to the primary author and co-ordinating the document for submission with the planning application.
The client has commenced development on site, but required the revised permission to ensure that they can implement the proposals in accordance with the design as it has developed. For this reason, the timescales for obtaining a revised planning permission were restricted to meet the construction programme. The Council resolved to grant planning permission in November 2011 and the decision was issued following GLA referral and signing the s106 agreement in December 2011.