Thames Enterprise Park

Client: Morzine

LPA: Thurrock Council

The Morzine Joint Venture, comprising Shell, Greenergy and Vopak, acquired the former Coryton Petroplus Refinery site following its closure, and required a masterplan to address and drive forward the significant redevelopment potential of the site.

Preparation of a masterplan document was undertaken to establish acceptability of potential uses on the site, in discussion with the Council, and ultimately secured political endorsement.

Boyer co-ordinated the Environmental Assessment (EA) process securing inputs from a range of specialist consultants.

Boyer’s Design team prepared a series of illustrative layout options for the site, including two scenarios based around energy from waste and other environmental technology uses and a more traditional B8 warehousing and distribution model that were tested through the EA process before arriving at an illustrative hybrid solution in order to represent the potential of the site.

Key Contact

The senior team member overseeing all aspects of this project.

Matt Clarke

Director, Head of Boyer Colchester

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