Westminster Tower

Client: CLS Holdings
LPA: London Borough of Lambeth
Boyer’s instructions followed the success of the London office in obtaining planning permission on the sites at 20 and 30 - 34 Albert Embankment for the mixed use developments for The Corniche and the Merano Residences for St James Group.
The proposals involve re-cladding the existing building and maximising the mix of uses within Westminster Tower, which is situated on a highly constrained site. The scheme retains office accommodation in the lower floors of the building and provides 34 residential apartments, including residents’ facilities, car parking, and communal amenity space. The principal policy issue related to the loss of office accommodation; despite the Opportunity Area designation of mixed use development the Council’s employment policies sought to protect the existing office accommodation. A thorough analysis and detailed rationale justifying the proposed reduction in office accommodation on this site was presented to Lambeth officers and Members of the Planning Committee who agreed that planning permission should be granted.
Picture curtesy of Manser Practice Architects