White City Living

Client: St James Group

LPA: London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham

For almost ten years, Boyer has overseen redevelopment proposals at White City Living, a multi-phased, residential-led masterplan development creating 1845 new homes within expansive, world class public open space. The original part-outline, part-detailed permission was for 1,477 residential units. Following this, Boyer handled extensive discussions with Council and GLA officers to support a significant Section 73 amendment application which optimised the site’s residential delivery. The amendments involved increases in height to a number of buildings throughout the masterplan, between 1-9 storeys as well as the insertion of a new 20 storey building into the masterplan. In total, the amendments secured an additional 337 homes, including 118 affordable units (35%).

Boyer also secured further optimisations (up to 31 residential units across the masterplan) through non-material amendments (Section 96A). In addition, Section 96A amendments were used to vary the horizontal and vertical parameters of specific buildings which permitted further building heights and design code alterations.