Wretchwick Green, Bicester

Image: © Boyer

Client: Wates Developments and Redrow Homes
LPA: Cherwell District Council

Boyer have supported the clients in the preparation of an outline planning application for up to 1,500 homes, employment land, a local centre with retail and community uses, a primary school and public open space.  A screening request was submitted to Cherwell District Council for up to 1,500 residential homes, up to 24ha of employment land, primary school, local centre and associated infrastructure.  Boyer

Cherwell District Council confirmed that an EIA was necessary to support the application.  Boyer then prepared a Scoping Opinion, acknowledging that the development has the potential to have significant environmental effects on: socio-economics, transport, accessibility and movement, landscape and visual, ecology, flood risk, Hydrology and drainage, archaeology and cultural heritage, lighting, noise and vibration, air quality and odour, loss of agricultural land, geotechnical and land contamination and utilities.  Cherwell Council agreed that these topics should be included within the EIA.

Boyer prepared relevant sections of the EIA and project managed the preparation and submission of the EIA.  During the course of the application determination, significant changes were made which required the preparation of an updated planning application and updated EIA.  Boyer updated the relevant sections and project managed the amendments to the EIA.

Key Contact

The senior team member overseeing all aspects of this project.

Michelle Quan


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