Braintree success for Boyer’s Colchester office
Boyer’s Colchester Office has secured planning permission on behalf of Oakland Country Homes for residential development in Earls Colne, Essex, which falls within the Braintree District.

The site achieved outline planning permission for 23 dwellings in May 2019, which agreed the quantum of development, the site layout and site access. Following this approval, Oakland Country Homes and Boyer became involved in the project.
Various applications have been submitted throughout 2020, including: the reserved matters application relating to scale, appearance and landscaping; a variation of condition to amend construction times; a non-material amendment to refine the layout following discussions with officers; as well as applications to discharge the pre-commencement conditions imposed on the outline permission.
Throughout the reserved matters application, significant discussion and negotiation was undertaken with the Council’s planning and design officers, which led to refinements to the scheme to simplify the appearance of the dwellings, enhance the landscaping and amend highways arrangements as a result of the need to adopt the site road and provide for visitor spaces.
The result is a scheme that responded well in design terms to the character of the local area, delivering 23 much needed new homes, including 40% affordable housing, in line with local policy.
We are delighted to have secured the necessary consents on behalf of our client and look forward to seeing the completed scheme.