Planning Success in Sibsey

The submission clearly established that the proposed development would provide a number of economic, environmental and social benefits, which all contribute towards achieving sustainable development.
The southern part of the Application Site is allocated for 34 dwellings and the northern parcel lies within open countryside. However, Boyer demonstrated that the northern parcel is essential to facilitate a suitable access and that it would constitute windfall development in accordance with local planning policies.
The proposal was highly contentious due to the extension beyond the allocated site and therefore Boyer sought to actively engage with local residents and the Parish Council. Throughout the application process, Boyer worked closely with the Case Officer and Statutory Consultees to overcome objections and obtain an officer recommendation for approval.
The application was heard at East Lindsey District Council’s first virtual Planning Committee. At Committee, there were a number of members who supported the proposal and some who expressed their objection to the windfall element of the site. Nevertheless, a resolution to grant planning permission was secured.