Study Tour to Blue Mountain Golf Course

The team at Boyer and LRG have been involved with this site since 2010 when it was promoted for development through the Local Plan. Boyer have subsequently prepared and co-ordinated the hybrid application and subsequent Reserved Matters applications for the housing, school, SANG and Golf Centre.
We began with a talk from Bloor’s site manager regarding the construction and technical aspects and then spoke with the sales team. The site is being built out by Bloor Homes and Vistry Homes and the majority of homes are now built and occupied.
We then had the opportunity to tour King’s Academy, the all-through school located within the site which will house 2,000 pupils when it is at full capacity. The school opened in 2019 and includes state of the art technology, shared spaces, a transition from Primary to Secondary School and Special Educational Needs facilities which all formed key aspects of the design at the planning application stage.
The purpose of our tour was to understand how the site and the buildings are working now they are operational, and what we can learn from this for future projects.
Lucy Anderson and Alice Davidson led the on-site tour and were able to identify for the team the mitigation in place on the site that was proposed as part of the Environmental Statement, in accordance with the requirements for our IEMA accreditation.
We then finished off the day with a social at the Golfplex Entertainment Centre on the site which includes Adventure Golf and a state of the art Driving Range.