8 – 10 Wiseton Road, Wandsworth

Client: Chester Row
LPA: London Borough of Wandsworth
The client engaged Boyer after a recommendation of our exceptional experience working in the London Borough of Wandsworth.
Although the original application had been the subject of extensive pre application consultation with officers, it failed to achieve planning permission. In taking over as planning consultant, Boyer facilitated a series of meetings with the design team and officers at the Council to agree revised proposals that would be acceptable to the Council.
The original proposals involved demolition of the majority of buildings on the site, which were considered, by officers, to make a positive contribution to the character and appearance of the Conservation Area. Our advice to the client included reviewing the opportunities to retain the most valuable buildings on the site and incorporating them into a revised scheme that involved partial retention and conversion to residential accommodation and partial demolition to create three new build houses.
Our strong working relationship with officers and knowledge of the borough provided our client with confidence that the revised proposals would be viewed positively by the Council. Following a constructive sequence of pre-application meetings a revised application was submitted in December 2012; it was granted planning permission by the Planning Application Committee in early February 2011.