Weyburn Works, Elstead, Surrey

Client: MMC Developments Ltd

LPA: Waverley Borough Council

The approved development for MMC Developments Ltd replaces 115,000sqft of B2/B8 floorspace which is life-expired. The approved development will result in the clean up of the site, which had experienced significant contamination as a result of its previous manufacturing use.

This is a significant development within the Surrey Green Belt, Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and Area of Great Landscape Value. The Committee in resolving to approve the application accepted 15% of affordable housing, all of which would be intermediate (shared-ownership) housing. The Committee considered that the benefits of the provision of much needed housing and a care home including the clean up of a contaminated brownfield site was acceptable, notwithstanding the site’s location within the Green Belt and the reduced amount of affordable housing.

Key Contact

The senior team member overseeing all aspects of this project.

Philip Allin


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