Green light for Stagecoach’s Stroud depot facility
On behalf of Stagecoach West, we are pleased to obtain planning consent for a new bus depot maintenance facility at their Stroud operating centre.

While it is a long-established use, the site is positioned in a sensitive location, sandwiched between the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and Stroud Industrial Heritage Conservation Area, in addition to mature trees covered by TPO adjoining the site boundary and Rodborough Common SAC and SSSI also being nearby.
The proposal sought to consolidate a previous extension consent with a new larger purpose-built standalone facility which will assist in the servicing of the existing bus fleet, which has grown over recent years both in terms of number but more importantly, in size and technical complexity of the vehicles operated. Given the setting of the site, a sensitive, yet functional design and layout was key to negotiations.
Boyer took on the project following a previously withdrawn application that was met with objection, primarily regarding visual impacts associated with the prominence of the proposed building. Boyer have now managed to negotiate an acceptable solution to both client and council and managed to minimise the number of conditions attached to the consent.
The scheme provides a sustainable redevelopment of the existing depot and will allow Stagecoach West to better serve their operating area across Gloucestershire, both in terms of technical support and bus presentation. Stagecoach's motto is "Proud to Serve", and the facility supports that goal. Radically better working conditions for front-line staff are a very great benefit of the scheme.
Boyer look forward to continuing their relationship with Stagecoach and advising upon future projects. Boyer's national footprint coupled with deep local knowledge allows us to add particular value to clients like Stagecoach, with diverse needs spread across the country.