Boyer secures planning permission for redevelopment of the Gas Holder, Reading

Boyer are delighted to have advised Danescroft and SGN on the redevelopment of the Reading Gas Holder site. Planning permission has been secured for 130 new homes incorporating a mix of 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments as well as high quality public realm and open space.
The site is sandwiched between railway lines to the north and the River Kennet to the south and there were therefore a number of site constraints to overcome as part of the application process, including ground conditions, viability, noise, heritage, flood risk and access/parking.
Boyer was first appointed by Danescroft in 2017 and successfully secured an allocation in the Reading Borough Local Plan. This included participation in the Local Plan Examination. The allocation proposed the redevelopment of the gas holder site for residential use as part of the wider East Side Major Opportunity Area. As part of the planning application, Boyer successfully negotiated a significant reduction in the level of affordable housing on viability grounds.
Boyer co-ordinated the project team, led the planning negotiations and public consultation events and advised Danescroft regarding the S106 and CIL.