Committee Success in Westminster
Boyer has successfully secured planning permission from Westminster City Council’s Planning Applications Committee for our client, H.R. Owen Group, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars London.

The proposals sought the change of use of a retail unit in Mayfair to a boutique car showroom (sui generis).
As part of the H.R. Owen Group, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars London can trace its history back to H.R. Owen’s original Rolls-Royce dealership, which was established in 1932 in Mayfair. The company have been located within this area ever since, and for a number of years operated from a premises just north of the application site on Berkeley Square. This planning permission ensures that Rolls Royce can continue to maintain their historic presence in Mayfair.
This area of Mayfair is characterised by retail units which offer unique and luxury products. Despite a policy presumption to protect retail uses within this part of Westminster, Boyer prepared persuasive arguments which convinced Planning Officers that Rolls Royce’s offering would exhibit retail characteristics, and that the boutique showroom would continue to enhance Mayfair’s position as an internationally recognised centre for specialist luxury items. Officers confirmed that, on balance, there were exceptional circumstances to justify a departure from the Council’s land use policies.
Boyer also worked collaboratively with the Council’s Highways Officers to overcome their initial concerns surrounding the logistical arrangements for the delivery of vehicles to the premises.
At the Planning Committee, Members acknowledged that the showroom use would complement the character and status of the area, contributing to central London’s global appeal. Consequently, the Committee unanimously voted to grant conditional planning permission.