Nine Mile Ride Extension South, Berkshire
On behalf of Legal and General Homes, Boyer has secured Reserved Matters approval for the Nine Mile Ride Extension South.

This key piece of strategic infrastructure will provide a new distributor road through the Arborfield Garrison SDL, which is allocated in Wokingham Borough Council’s Core Strategy to provide approximately 3,500 new homes.
Boyer’s Wokingham Office have been working with Legal and General Homes, as planning consultants, since 2017. Legal and General Homes are delivering the southern part of the SDL, known as Hogwood Farm. Boyer have already worked with Legal and General Homes to secure a Section 73 amendment to the original hybrid planning permission and Reserved Matters approval for Phase 1 of the development, which will deliver 178 new homes.
As part of their commitment to the delivery of key infrastructure, Legal and General Homes prioritised the Nine Mile Ride Extension South application. Boyer supported Legal and General Homes through detailed pre-application meetings with the Local Planning Authority and prepared and co-ordinated the submission of the Reserved Matters application.
The application received unanimous support at Planning Committee and will be delivered by Wokingham Borough Council using Community Infrastructure Levy receipts.
Image credit JNP Group