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Planning success at Basingstoke Golf Course

LRG and Boyer have worked with the landowner since 2011 to secure an allocation for 1,000 homes on this site. LRG have been acting for the Golf Club since 2012 and negotiated the sale to Bloor Homes on behalf of Basingstoke Golf Club.

Bloor Homes were selected as the development partner in 2018. Since then, Boyer have been working with Bloor Homes and have led on the preparation, submission and negotiation of the outline planning application which was submitted in 2019. Boyer also prepared the Environmental Statement and negotiated the complex S106 agreement. To achieve all of this in under 2 years is a fantastic result for Boyer, Bloor Homes and Basingstoke Golf Club.

This site is one of the largest developments in Basingstoke and is an important element of the Borough’s housing land supply.

Boyer are now working with Bloor Homes on the preparation of the first phase Reserved Matters application which will be submitted shortly before construction can commence.

If you would like more information, please contact Alice Davidson from Boyer or Ian Barnett from LRG Land.

Image credit: Pegasus – Illustrative Layout

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