Reserved Matters Approval in Dover
On behalf of Bovis Homes, Boyer has secured Reserved Matters approval for the erection of 90 new dwellings in Ash, Dover.

The site, comprising greenfield land located to the north of the existing settlement boundary, is allocated in Dover’s Land Allocations Local Plan and was granted outline permission (with all matters reserved) in 2018.
Boyer was instructed to assist with the Reserved Matters application, and co-ordinated pre-application discussions with Officers from Dover District Council (DDC), and also positive engagement with the Parish Council. This included negotiating and obtaining early agreement from Housing Officers to the client’s preferred affordable housing tenure split and mix.
Following submission of the application in June 2019, Boyer worked closely with DDC, Bovis Homes, and the wider project team to secure amendments in response to highway and design comments received. Positively, no public objections were received during the course of the application, and the Parish Council supported the scheme. The application was subsequently approved under officer delegated powers.
It is expected that work on the site will start in the coming months and we look forward to seeing the completed scheme.