Success in Henley-on-Thames
Mandy Owen and Lucy Anderson from Boyer’s Wokingham office have successfully negotiated planning permission in Henley-on-Thames, South Oxfordshire on behalf of Marson Properties.

Mandy Owen and Lucy Anderson from Boyer’s Wokingham office have successfully negotiated planning permission in Henley-on-Thames, South Oxfordshire on behalf of Marson Properties. The planning permission involves the redevelopment of a vacant industrial building on a protected employment site for 43 apartments with an element of Class B1a commercial space on the ground floor.
During the course of the application, Boyer led the discussions with South Oxfordshire surrounding the design of the building (two blocks at 3 and 4 storeys); the quantum of commercial space and affordable housing to be provided; and the principle of the loss of employment floorspace based on marketing evidence.
We are delighted to have secured consent for Marson Properties alongside PRP Architects and Waterman Group and look forward to seeing the implementation of the development.